BTS8.0.0 (4 Series+6n Series+7 Series+8 Series)2021-09-07Version: NEWARE BTS8.0.0_202100825_En This package is applied for BTS series 4000, 8000, 6000n and CE 7000.
BTS7.6.0 (4 Series+8 Series)2021-07-22Version: NEWARE BTS7.6.0_20190528En This package is applied for BTS series 4000, 8000
BTS User Manual2021-08-09VERSION:7.XX; This manual describes how to better use the system operation of device, please reading thoroughly before doing the system operation. The updated information in this manual is subject to change without notice due to operation maybe different if the system is upgraded at a later time. Please always state the version No. xx indicated in the cover page for any question you may have.
Product List for Automation Solutions2021-07-222019 Version
Product List for Testing Equipment2021-07-222019 Version
BTS User Manual2021-07-22This file is applied for BTS series 4000.
Technical Specification2021-07-22This file is about BTS4000-5V1mA-8CH Specification.