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Do you know how to connect Neware 4 series battery testing system in easy way?

Do you know how to connect Neware 4 series battery testing system in easy way?  

Let me tell you!

Connect tester with network cable via RS485 COM Port, and connect mid-machine to computer with network cable via TCP/IP COM Port. (P.S. The Neware tester Module/ Pack has mid-machine inside the cabinet)

The connection photo as below:

2、Input the IP

There is one tag on the tester that shows: Device ID/ Local IP/ Service IP, then you have to set the computer's IP same with "Service IP", here are the steps: 

3、Software Setting

Open Neware Testing Software (BTS 7.6.0), login the software (User: admin/ Password: neware ), and then start to reset map: 

4、Test Steps Setting & Software View  Please start your test~

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